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Equip Your Teen for Triumph: Elevate Their Future with Essential Study, Life, and Money Skills Workshops!

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For 7th-9th Graders:

For 11th-12th Graders:

Life and Study Skills Workshop Series:

StudySmart: Mastering Academic Success

4 HOUR COURSE | JUNE 24, 25, 26, 27 | 10:00am - 11:00am


Only $97

Set the stage for a successful academic year with "StudySmart: Mastering Academic Success," a comprehensive summer course designed specifically for students entering 7th through 9th grade. Over four days, we'll cover essential study skills and techniques to help students excel in their studies and manage their time effectively.

Course Highlights:

  • Identify Your Learning Style: Discover how you learn best and use this knowledge to boost your performance in school.

  • How to Use a Planner and Why You Should: Get organized with effective planner usage to track assignments, exams, and extracurricular activities.

  • Wise Use of Time Equates to Additional Fun Times: Learn strategies to maximize productivity so you have more free time to enjoy summer and other interests.

  • Studying Strategies: Explore proven study techniques that make studying efficient and effective.

Through interactive lessons and practical exercises, students will gain the tools and confidence they need to approach their academic responsibilities with ease. Join us for "StudySmart" and set the foundation for a successful school year!

LifeLaunch: College Prep and Financial Mastery

4 HOUR COURSE | JULY 8, 9, 10, 11 | 10:00AM-11:00AM


Only $97

Life and Study Skills Workshop Series:

As your child approaches the transition to college, ensuring they are equipped with essential life skills is paramount. That's why we're thrilled to introduce "LifeLaunch: College Prep and Financial Mastery," a comprehensive summer course designed specifically for students in 11th and 12th grade, as well as graduating seniors.

Course Highlights:

  • Budgeting: Empower your child with the knowledge and skills to create and stick to a budget, setting them up for financial success in college and beyond.

  • Paying Bills: Prepare your child for the responsibilities of adulthood by teaching them the ins and outs of paying bills, managing expenses, and maintaining financial independence.

  • Cost of Owning a Car: Navigate the complexities of car ownership, from purchasing and maintaining a vehicle to understanding insurance and budgeting for associated costs.

  • Becoming a Responsible Student in College: Help your child make a smooth transition to college life by instilling habits of responsibility, time management, and academic success.

Led by experienced instructors, "LifeLaunch" will provide your child with practical knowledge and hands-on experience that will prove invaluable as they embark on their college journey. With a focus on both financial mastery and personal responsibility, this course will empower your child to thrive in all aspects of college life.

Invest in your child's future today by enrolling them in "LifeLaunch: College Prep and Financial Mastery." Together, we'll ensure they are fully prepared to navigate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead!